Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Coming down

Sunday went really well, I think. My sermon illustration for the 3 morning services ended up running about 10 minutes each time, about half the sermon. The first run through went well; I pretty much read it word for word off the pages, just as I had written it. I got a little bolder in the second service and managed to lose my place completely at one point. There was utter silence for about 5 minutes (OK, more like 5 seconds) while I scrabled to figure out where I was on my pages. But by the third service, I did it almost from memory.

Rob's 45 minute presentation ended up being more like an hour but it was OK because he was engaging and entertaining. I realized that I've never actually herad him speak for any length of time before. I mean, I've heard everything he could have to say on the subject of vernacular media and ethnomusicology and I still wasn't bored. Great fun was had by all.

Yesterday, we spent all morning at the tire place. One of our tires was flat when we went to drive to first service on Sunday but we just topped it off at a gas station and drove on. It seemed to be a really slow leak; the air lasted all day but would be gone in the morning. Well, turns out it wasn't the tire. It was the wheel itself that was punctured. So, they ordered a new wheel in for us and Rob went to get it put on yesterday afternoon. I spent the afternoon at the Underground coffee house, emailing churches in Washington state to see if they'd have us visit their church.

I'm posting a list of the Lutheran churches I contacted yesterday so that if you know someone at one of these churches, maybe you could get them to speak to their pastor for us, put in a good word.

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