Sunday, May 21, 2006

Rob's blog: 5.19.2006

Today has been a light day. I'm still spongy from the trip and folks are allowing me to take it easy. Kedra and Richard needed to go over a survey they took of media needs amongst the Mbukushu people. I joined for part of the meeting, just to see how it was done. Richard's job is, as he puts it, "motivational." He provides initial contact with language and people groups looking to develop language materials. He'll often do some initial Bible translation work and determine whether the group is interested in and motivated to produce their own local language materials. He said it takes about five years for a group to decide whether or not to begin work on mother-tongue language materials. At which time, missionaries may be recruited to coordinate Bible translation and vernacular media projects.

I also walked around the property a bit.

A church down the street.

Tomorrow, we'll be going into Gaborone (the capitol of Botswana) to do "touristy" things.

The view from my window.

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