Q: What's the value of a cigarette lighter in a non-smoker's car?
A: Nothing ... until it breaks.
We pulled out of our driveway a few hours after we had planned to and Rob went to plug in his iPod transmitter to the cigarette lighter for power. Nothing. I plugged in our power adapter, which I use to power my laptop, which I planned to use to navigate this entire trip. Nothing. So, we begin with a mysteriously busted cigarette lighter. Later in the day, as I reach into my purse to retrieve my cellphone, I find that the camera button had been on and my cellphone battery was a single bar away from dead. The value of my car cellphone charger at that moment? Nothing.
[Sigh] So, navigating from a hastily scribbled set of instructions which I wrote from Streets & Trips on my laptop, trying not to keep the computer open too long as we would be needing the GPS navigational capability for the downtown Washington, DC part of today's trip, we made it to just outside Washington by shortly after 8PM. I suddenly got nervous about trying to meet my friend at her hotel at 11PM, counting on her flight not being delayed or anything, not knowing if she'd have a spare bed in her hotel room or not. So, we checked into the first hotel we found in Dumfries, VA. Glad to be off the road, particularly as darkness was fast approaching. I've never seen more aggressive tractor trailers! I'd rather "passenge" around those in daylight, thanks just the same, and sure Rob would rather drive that way.
Tomorrow, we hope to visit the
International Spy Museum, see a friend who is on her way to SE Asia and see another friend that I haven't seen since 1997.

Thought about audioblogging from the road on my dying cellphone but, as I mentioned before ... CIGARETTE LIGHTER?!?!