Thursday, August 31, 2006

Upcoming chapel talks

Rob and I have never actually done a chapel talk for LBT before. So, we emailed Paul & Ali, who have done a number of chapel talks. On top of that, Ali has been an elementary school teacher. She recommended Wycliffe's "Bright Ideas" resources. Here's what I found on that site:

Grades 1-6:
* In one ear, out the other - the whispering game, with one group having a written message
* What does it mean when - a variety of idiomatic expressions from around the world to illustrate one difficulty of Bible translation

* Call my bluff - guessing what various idioms mean, audience participation
* Dirty water - not actually good for a chapel, maybe a youth Sunday School event
* Get packing - about the need to bring stuff with us overseas

I'm going to get Rob to take a look at these, see what he thinks.

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