Tuesday, September 26, 2006

A good weekend

The drive to Potlatch was uneventful, which is always nice. We had a full Sunday; potluck at Community Presbyterian in Potlatch and a "Reclaiming the Great Commission" synod discussion at Emanuel Lutheran in Moscow, lead by Bishop Martin.

It was great to see Larry, Suzanne and the "little people" again. Monday, we went through some of our stuff in their basement during the day and went to dinner at Wes Callihan's.

Nice dinner, nice family. Wes and his daughter Emily do online teaching of Greek, Latin and more ... wowsa! Great for homeschoolers. And, I suppose, great for a lot of people who mightn't be able to biff off to school somewhere.

We drove back today, again uneventfully. Well, maybe a near rear-ending of someone who didn't bother to signal before totally stopping to make a left. Sigh. But all's well that end's well ... and we didn't end at all today.

1 comment:

Wes Callihan said...

Thanks for the mention on your blog! We all really enjoyed you and Rob's company here Monday night and hope to see you again someday. We'll be praying about the health thingies, and your mission work too.

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