Wednesday, September 12, 2007


We're here! It was a long trip (of course) but we came through it relatively unscathed. When my brain unscrambles, I hope to write some interesting and coherent things for the blog. I also have a few fun flight pictures. The Megahans picked us up at the airport and took us to the hotel, then to dinner (my first Botswanan burger – yummy!). Then, we got some pula from an ATM, which meant trying 3 different ATMs until one took our debit card.
20 Pula = $2.80, 50 Pula = $6.95, 100 Pula = $13.90

It's 7:05AM here, which is 10:00PM the previous day on the west coast of the U.S. I can't tell yet but I think we're adjusting properly. We've been taking melatonin to induce proper bedtimes. I've still only been sleeping in small chunks (1-3 hours each) but last night's rest should have us on the right schedule now.

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