Friday, March 10, 2006

To the top

Rob's dad had suggested that we speak to the local bishop, see if he could help us out, and we thought that was a great idea. I just didn't know how something like that was done. After contacting a bunch of churches this week (both meetings in the last couple of days went well, by the way), I did think that it might be easier if we could get some "street cred". But where would I find a bishop? How could I go about meeting him?

We got our break today. We met with Pastor Dwight and Dennis, the lay person who manages the church. They were very receptive and encouraging. They were also very informative and practically helpful. It seems Dennis has done some fund-raising for a radio ministry and had gotten in touch with the bishop himself for that purpose. The bishop's office then wrote a letter of endorsement for the ministry, a foot-in-the-door for many churches. Dennis not only suggested that we do the same but Pastor Dwight went immediately to call the synod office to try to arrange an appointment with the bishop for us! How cool is that? He got a time and a number for us to call back in the afternoon. We did so and we will be meeting with Bishop Donges next week, on Tuesday or Thursday. Yippee! Here's the bishop:

Looks a pleasant sort, does he not? He was quite personable on the phone, put me at ease. There's something about the title "bishop" that makes me feel all butterfly-like. Although I got on well with the only other bishop I've had direct contact with, Bishop Leonard Whitten.

And now I must adjourn to the library. I have a slew of reading to do for next week and I'll have to fit in as much as I can this weekend as my days seem to be getting fuller with meetings all the time. That's a good thing.

While I know that God is in control, it's nice to recognize Him in action from time to time.

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