Monday, October 11, 2004

Term Paper!

Need I say more? Due on Wednesday ... the crunch is on. Must not spend too much time blogging.

Friday: Took the afternoon as my weekend, gaming with Rob, had Jess (from down the hall) as dinner guest.

Saturday: With lunch break at Chick-fil-a, grocery shopping afterwards, spent the day working on term paper with an evening break; Rob's grammar class had an end-of-term party. I made Northwest garden salad: spinach, dried cherries, slivered almonds, bleu cheese, lime-marinated green apples with a balsamic vinaigrette. Returned home to work until 11:45PM on term paper.

Sunday: visited church on campus, worked on term paper for the rest of the day until 8:45PM. Was able to haul together a beef stew for dinner. Sent Rob to clip fresh rosemary for the stew from the massive rosemary bushes that can be found next to the sidewalk on our way to school.

Today: continuing to work on the paper this afternoon and evening ...

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