Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Ethnography complete!

Yes, the ethnography is done for ... uh ... with. Finished up yesterday afternoon with a redrawing of my area map for the SDA church. Title - Finding and Refining Our Strengths: marital role change and child esteem in an African community in Texas. Rob finished at about midnight last night. We took a little walk to the school to hole punch the final product so that Rob could feel truly finished. We had anticipated that there would be a lot of people still in the computer lab finishing up. We were right.

The remainder of this week will be consumed with preparing my chapel talk. I am going with David's many years of running from Saul pre-kingship. Am taking a break tonight to go to a Creation scientist talk on dinosaurs and the evidence that they coexisted with humans. Should be intriguing. It's sort of an unofficial class trip for Biblical Backgrounds, as in half the class (both of us) will be going.

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