Thursday, December 02, 2004


So, I looked at my homework log for this session and tried to plan how much time I would need to allot for homework and on which days I should be planning to set aside more time than others. Turns out that the rest of this semester is doable. I just need to keep on top on everything that needs to get done. My upcoming major due dates are as follows:
  • 12.7, Tuesday - Ethnography; 15-25 page report on cultural themes observed at the SDA church, supported with observations taken from my data notebook, handed in with my printed out data notebook
  • 12.10, Friday - 20 minute talk in chapel on some aspect of Biblical Backgrounds; I think I'm going to present something on the running away done by David (from Saul), how his experiences prepared him for kingship of Israel. I found a great website that has many maps of major Ancient Near East events.
  • 12.14, Tuesday - Cultural Anthropology final exam
  • 12.15, Wednesday - reports on our ethnographies; presenting our findings to the class as we would to someone new to the culture wishing to integrate appropriately
  • 12.16, Thursday - Semantics & Pragmatics final exam
  • 12.17, Friday - Pragmatics Analysis project (one of the 3 major projects in this course)
We still haven't made it out to see Alexander the Great. [sigh] I even know stuff about him; we covered him in Biblical Backgrounds a few weeks ago. Perhaps the weekend after my chapel talk we might be able to make a break for it, catch a flick.

I have a pain in my heel. I've had this pain before, back when I was working at the daycare. At the time, I thought it had something to do with my shoes so I bought new ones, stopped wearing the others. Sure enough, the pain went away. It doesn't seem that long ago but perhaps it was. The shoes I usually wear these days are the ones I bought to replace those old shoes. They're Doc Martens so I expected them to be functional for longer than this. My last Docs lastest from 1994 until this last summer, when I finally was able to dissociate myself from them long enough to throw them away. Today, I am wearing my red Earth shoes. Have been wearing them for 2 days. No noticeable improvement yet. Must stay off my feet.

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