Sunday, January 29, 2006

Gearing up for week 2

Rob has been having neck problems since we finished the trip out so we went to get our kinks worked out at a local massage therapy school on Friday. My session was pretty good but Rob didn't get as much mobility back as he was hoping for. We bought a clay hot-pack to use and that seems to be helping. He's gotten about 25% range of motion back since Friday.

Saturday was a light schoolwork day. I tried to rest as much as possible, except for about 1.5 hours in the library around noon. I'm almost done with my Bible translation for Greek readings (due Monday) and about halfway done with my Bible translation for Pauline studies. I spent a few hours in the closet recording vocals for the "Heather" vocal in Dark Waters, a module being planned for the new Neverwinter Nights coming out this summer. Rob was practicing his vernacular media skills. Me? I was just enjoying the idea of being somewhat famous in my little virtual world. I'll try not to let it go to my virtual head.

I've been translating all day today. I woke up with a mondo headache and Rob still can't move his neck enough to safely drive so we didn't leave the house until about 6:30PM today. I'd feel worse about that if we hadn't been in chapel, including one with Communion, 4 days last week. My favorite translation of the day:
Philippians 3:8 But rather even I am chalking-up all things to be a loss, because of the surpassing(ness) of the knowledge of Christ Jesus, the Lord of me, because of whom everything I lost and chalk-up as hoosifudge in order that Christ I may gain.

Yes, my friend, I said it. Hoosifudge. It's a new word that I didn't even make up.

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