Thursday, January 11, 2007

Snow day

That's the view here today. Rob and I are setting up at the kitchen table to work. We neither get nor want snow days, actually. Too much to do. The only thing a snow day does for us is trap us in the house. At least we got groceries for dinner before the snow hit yesterday.

Here's the latest on my health thingys; hysterscopic resection surgery is scheduled for a week from today. Dr. Ilika says that I should be fully functional within the couple of days following. She says she often calls a patient the day after to check on them and they're out shopping or running errands, so they can't feel too bad. They'll send the polyps to a lab to make sure it's normal tissue. I'll have to sign a document waiving rights to my polyps once they're removed. Isn't that funny? I had joked about keeping them in a jar, like people keep wisdom teeth. I guess that's not as uncommon an inclination as I had thought.

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