Wednesday, March 16, 2005

On the mend

Well, I didn't make it to class on Monday but I was back at it on Tuesday. Good thing; Dianne Palmer-Quay was presenting on ethnomusicology. Good class, lots of visuals/audio.

Got a vernacular media program plan due on Friday (to present, oral and written form), a group project. We're getting along pretty well. Gotta synthesize our plans. I'm writing up the audio cassette plan portion. "Audio cassettes?", you may well ask. Yeah, a people group on a string of islands in the Solomon Islands chain. Not into cds yet, not exactly flush with disposable income. But they've mostly got cassette players by now so that's what we'll produce. Or, for the purposes of this project, pretend to plan to produce. We have been consulting with a real live translator though, one who has helped produce their New Testament and is now working on Genesis with them. She likes our plans so far, may implement some elements when they go back to the Solomons.

Didn't make it to Lenten "soup supper" tonight. Too much homework. And Rob shaved himself a goatee thing. Didn't tell me he did it either; I just turned around from the computer to see him sitting on the couch with his laptop, looking all goatee-y. Impetuous man. I like, though.

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