Sunday, October 26, 2008

Wedding party

What do you think of Rob's new suit?

What a great time we had last night! We were invited to Lydia's daughter's wedding at the Gaborone Sun, a really nice hotel here in Gaborone. The food was great, the celebration was boisterous. There were a couple of traditional dances done and the second one was announced as “the Wayeyi dancers”. On their way out to the foyer to get prepared, Flora grabbed me and said, “Come dance with us!” I said, “I don't know the dances,” but she said, “Just come.” So, I did! We processed in by twos, me behind Flora and next to Lydia. I've seen them dance before and the entry was not too difficult for me. I got the words and the clapping and bowing right. Missed the curve at the set-up on the stage but that was OK. Got the rhythms for the next 2 songs. The whole thing is still a bit of a blur. I was so tickled that they invited me to dance with them! It was a late night and we were only there for 5 1/2 hours. I have no idea how long it went for. But we outlasted the bridal party and 1/3 of the other guests so I think we did OK. Still straggled home around midnight. I hope Lydia's photographer got pictures…

1 comment:

K. Conley said...

Wow - who knew that they had style like that in Gaborone - Rob looks great!! So glad that you've got reliable internet again. We're keeping you guys in our prayers and I check in with your blog every week or so to see what's up. Congrats on finally having a "call" by the way!!

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