Monday, September 13, 2004

The Result

Got my midterm back today - 98% ... woohoo! I lost a point for the "argh!" and another for not mentioning that climax and denouement are a part of notional surface structure. Oopsy, but obviously not a big deal, in the big picture.

We've started a new section in discourse analysis, one involving predication relations. It looks like stuff from the logic class (I think this is the one ... long time ago) I took in 1993 but with attention to grammatical constituents (noun phrase, adjuncts, verbs) as well as the logical thrust of the sentence as a whole.

I couldn't find a picture online of Robert E. Longacre (the guy who wrote our main text and put discourse analysis on the linguistic map) but I did find a picture of one of his books:


Anonymous said...

The link to Longacre's book should be:

The link listed has expired.

Anonymous said...

The link to Longacres' book should be:

The link listed has expired.

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