Monday, July 25, 2005


Rob left this morning, hence the title of this blog posting. He got on the road shortly before 8AM, giving me time to shower and finish coffee before class. Also to learn my vocab for the morning's quiz.

Got my test back from Friday: 98%. Therefore, Rob's presence during participle week wasn't as hard on my school work performance as I thought it might be. Bodes well for productivity in our future work. Now, I just have 2 more weeks of standard class, tests this Thursday and next Wednesday before the comprehensive final a week from Friday coming. After that, I have a week of translation practice, a.k.a. Reading Week. Then, I fly to Ohio. Not sure what exactly will be happening then. I have to go to an INS office somewhere to turn in my old temporary green card and pick up my new permanent one. Then, we need to go somewhere for a couple of weeks before we biff off to north California. We're discussing getting an apartment of some type in the Seattle area for the next year of support-raising and getting everything in place for the eventual move to Namibia. While 85% of our stuff is safe and sound in Larry and Suzanne's basement, it can't stay there indefinitely. We've got to make the major decisions on the future of most of those items prior to leaving the country. Plus, we need to have our own residential street address for at least 3 months to apply for US citizenship. The "PO Box 2050" in Aurora just ain't cutting it as far as citizenship goes.

If anybody sees a decent little place for rent in the Seattle area, preferably close to Bellevue/Crossroads area, let me know. Size doesn't matter; price does, as does safety of area. Since we'll be gone most of the time (we're just needing a place to store/sort stuff and crash between speaking trips), security is a bit of a thang.

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