Monday, July 25, 2005

Too much information

OK, this you may find unnerving: the ShinyStat on this blog keeps track of my visitors and does statistical reports on them, so I can figure out who's into this page. One odd little section of my weekly report on people that visit is the search engine referral. 4 people found this blog by search engine in July. Here's what people were searching for when they found me:
  • dancing as a therapy - OK, "the Dancing Sni" ... I can see that.
  • eshinee - This one is pretty straightforward. However, I can't help but wonder who was searching for my name. I just assume that anyone who doesn't know where to find me already won't be able to find me now because they won't remember how to spell my name.
  • paypal litigation settlement update - I guess posting about semi-random things can bring unexpected traffic. Reminds me that anyone can read the stuff I put up here, not just the people that I expect to.
  • revelettes - Now, this one has me guessing. I kinda thought that revelettes was my own little word, co-coined by Rob and I. Either someone was searching for my revelettes posting from earlier or this word isn't as unique as I had assumed.

Also, people are visiting this blog because they're clicking on links to it from other websites. here are some of the sites referring to this one:

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