Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Well, duh!

I am such a dork. I was checking out our bank accounts online, paying bills and the like. I noticed a purchase that I hadn't made on our Mastercard and was, like, "Huh ... that's fishy." Then, I noticed that there were several charges that I didn't recognize.

Then, I remembered that Rob's in Africa using our credit card. Then, I felt like a dork. Now, I'm kind of enjoying watching his purchases appear. Like being there. Here's what he's spent money on recently:
  • $14.62 - at a store on May 17
  • $3.17 - at Cafe Ritazza, also on May 17. I think both of these were at the Johannesburg airport; Kedra had told him to check out the music store there. I can just see him now, reading his new African music book, drinking his latte. Romantic idea.
  • $18.46 - at Musica Riverwalk, on May 19. He would have been in Gaborone by then. Another music store; no big shock there. Probably found some local band's cd, checking out the production quality, getting a feel for local production esthetics.

It'll be amusing to see how close my guesses are.

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