Monday, October 22, 2007

In the zone

I had a mentally hectic bunch of days last week and, to some extent, this weekend. For one thing, I kept not feeling “optimal”. It was a lethargic feeling for most of the week, in which I thought I must be fighting something. Given that several people around me were sick, in one form or another, it wasn't much of a surprise that I would be fighting something. Nothing went full-blown, though. The worst was Friday, when I got so weak I had to lie down for a bit. Also, my head was hurting. The headache came to its peak as I was going to bed that night. I even had a dream in which I got up and took ibuprofen for the headache. After that, funnily enough, every time I woke up, my head would hurt a bit at first but then I'd remember that I “took ibuprofen” and the headache would subside to a “took ibuprofen” level. You know that feeling, when there's a trace of it there, enough to let you know that the underlying condition still exists and you're just squelching the symptoms. When I got up in the morning, the headache was still at the “took ibuprofen” level, even though I pretty much knew at this point that the taking of ibuprofen had been a dream. Power of the mind, eh? So, I took Saturday really easy; no walks to the post office (like we had done on Thursday) or to Galo Mall (like we had done on Friday). I only sat and lay around. By evening, the headache was completely gone, thankfully. Sunday was a full day, with a 4 hour Confirmation service in the morning and lunch out at Spur with the Megahans after that. We pretty much zonked for the rest of the day. Watched episode 12 of Sad Love Story in the evening.

My accomplishments for last week were mostly communication and support related. I managed to convert all our Data Manager (donor records) files for the last 2 years into a format that I could control and analyze more easily; Journler entries with tags to sort them into “smart folders”. Then, I developed a smart folder and an entry template for tracking potential and past speaking venues, for when we go back to doing partnership development (a.k.a. support raising) on furlough in 3 years time. It's OK if none of that makes sense to anyone but me. I'm just glad to have finally found a program (Journler) which allows me to be “collatin' data”, as Patience would say (Firefly series, pilot episode “Serenity”). I then used the Data Manager smart folder to track my correspondence. I won't even explain how I'm doing it. Suffice to say that I love Journler. And it was free! Gotta write a thank you to the developer.

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