Saturday, October 06, 2007

Resting day

Got a slow start this morning and am taking it easy, with the headache and all. I won't be watching TV since it's all kid's shows and sports until 6PM but we will be going to practice driving with Jo Ann this afternoon. They've offered us the Tazz to drive so we'll practice driving that today. Still, we haven't decided whether we're going to drive the Tazz, a little squinty vehicle, suitable only for in-town driving, or rent the Rodewalds' Land Rover. They have a spare one, I guess. I suppose much will be determined by whether or not we move out to Maun, where a sturdier vehicle is a must for longer trips.

I think I'll play a little Age of Mythology, maybe read a book, maybe take another hot bath. The bath really seemed to help yesterday, especially with a few essential oils in it to help with general symptoms. I added Immupower (an immunity-boosting blend), peppermint (for breathing issues and aching muscles) and lavender (for relaxation).

Tomorrow, we make the trek to Gaborone early in the morning. We'll be there until Tuesday.

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