Monday, June 26, 2006

more on Rob

[from an email from Rob]
Shawn is even now trying to get me a doctor's note that says that because of my penicillin alergy, I shouldn't get a polio vaccine. My records show me as up to date--most people get just one shot and one booster. I have four shots and a booster. But Namibia is still wanting people to get them. I have a really bad intuition about getting the vaccine. Am hoping the doctor will write me a note and that I'll have to worry about it no further.

Nothing else to report. I'm at the Bible House today. Sometime today we're going to debrief the KKG survey taken at the beginning of the month and at about noon (just over an hour from when I'm writing this), we'll have a coffee and cake reception for everyone who participated in the song and drama workshop.

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