Wednesday, June 28, 2006

One more day

Rob will be back tomorrow afternoon. As he's returning while I'm still working with a Greek small group, I've got a classmate picking him up from the airport for me.

Small groups went OK today. The one in the morning was a little rougher than the one in the afternoon. I think that's because I brought breakfast with me to class but didn't actually eat it. I'll try not to do that tomorrow. The afternoon was more relaxed; I started to get into the flow of things. I actually stood most of the time, writing on the board. Perhaps having something to do with my hands helped. Plus, it made me feel more teacheresque. Though I still sweated right through my T-shirt.

Got a new student ID this morning, to go with my new name. Hopefully, they'll accept that as a form of ID at the passport application office.

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