Saturday, September 22, 2007

Trip to Galo Mall

We decided to trek to Galo, about 20 minutes away on foot. We got going last because of sleeping in (I had the craziest dreams last night!) and arrived just in time for lunch at Nando's. They have a mean grilled chicken salad with feta. I've noticed that feta is sort of the big cheese around here in restaurants. We wandered around through the stores until about 1:45PM, when we hit the road back to home.

I found a nice cotton long-sleeve button-up shirt to alternate with the linen one that I've been wearing whenever I have to walk anywhere. I really must tackle the washing machine tomorrow. Rob says I shouldn't be so scared of using it and he's probably right. I guess I only need to use it right once to feel OK about it.

Rev. Megahan (a.k.a. Michael, I use the names interchangeably) will be taking us to a new church tomorrow to visit. Today, we're relaxing pretty solidly. Rob's practicing guitar right now and I think I'm going to play a little Age of Mythology (Titans expansion).

In foot news, I think it's getting better. The swelling has gone down a lot, even though some other veins seem to be puffier. The flight really wreaked havoc on my feet, particularly the flight from Washington to Johannesburg. I'm questioning the usefulness of the compression stockings, actually. They tend to bunch around the front of my ankle, no matter how smooth I try to make them, and much of the vein-swelling is right at that crease, where the stockings were bunched. Argh. Ticks me off, really. If I discover that those stockings caused any permanent damage to my veins, I am going to become such an anti-compression stocking online activist.

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