Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Paul & Ali Federwitz ...Welcome!

Paul and Ali are official LBT missionaries now ... yay! Rob and I met Ali when we went with LBT to Guatemala back in August 2003. She was also exploring LBT and thinking about missions. Paul is from an LBT missionary family and so didn't need to come with us for the "overseas LBT experience".

We both got to meet with Ali and Paul again in February 2004 when we flew to Chicago for our service center visit to get to know the head office staff and have physical and psychological evaluations done. We went to dinner with them, talked about future plans. They're a fun couple, and like mirror images of ourselves. I'm a translation track introvert; Ali is more of a literacy-like extrovert. Rob's a Mac-user (read "not a computer guy"); Paul is an actual Windows-using computer guy. They're pregnant; we aren't. But Ali and I are shortish petite brunettes with shoulder-length hair and glasses. Paul and Rob are tall, bearded blondes.

Paul & Ali

Eshinee & Rob

See what I mean? I think it's uncanny.

Be sure to check out Paul & Ali 's website.

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