Sunday, December 07, 2008

Advent: Day 7

Isaiah 61:4 They will rebuild the perpetual ruins
and restore the places that were desolate;
they will reestablish the ruined cities,
the places that have been desolate since ancient times.

Domboshaba is a historical site of the Bakalanga. They were once a great nation of kings in the southern Africa region, most recently in Botswana and Zimbabwe. They are still a very large people group, one of the largest in Botswana. There are ruins here of a great fortified city. They come back to this mountain to pray and to hold an annual cultural festival. There are several organizations working to encourage the retention of their culture and promotion of literacy in the Kalanga language. They are also in the process of Bible translation with LBT and are planning to publish their New Testament and Psalms in early 2009.

What was a fortified area of your life that, once fallen into ruin, God rebuilt in a new and unexpected way?

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