Thursday, May 17, 2007

Ascension Day

So tomorrow, I'll be leading the exegetical session on the rest of that translated Romans passage. I'll be working on that today, I guess, preparing for that. I just booked a guest house for Friday night through to Thursday morning. It's located just a block or 2 from the Bible Society, which is nice. It includes breakfast and offers lunch and dinner, another plus. Like, if I suddenly get freaked out and can't handle running around Windhoek by myself, for whatever reason, I can at least stay there, eat and do other stuff than what I had originally planned. The original plan was for me to fly back on Saturday and the extra days were at my request (which I'm paying for out of pocket) so I don't mind if I don't actually do too much hoofing it about. I may just work on the same stuff I'd be working on at home, since there's free wireless at this place.

You know, I haven't done city-wandering solo in years. Even when I was working in Bellevue, I would call Rob on my cellphone while I walked to the bus stop, so I didn't feel so alone. And I never walk anywhere after dark, so I won't be changing that policy on this trip, here in a strange city. Frankly, I'm not sure how I feel about going around solo. Rob has a finely tuned sense of his surroundings, probably from spending most of his life in cities, solo. I lived in Halifax but, even there, I know in retrospect that I lived there in a decidedly unsafe and naive fashion. It's only by the grace of God that I lived through my Halifax years, I'm sure. I just spent most of my formative years and a bunch of my adult life in small towns, where you don't lock your doors and can leave your car running when you run into the store. In Port Saunders, Newfoundland, it wasn't uncommon for me to walk the roads in the middle of the night, if I woke up and needed to go for a walk. And I felt as safe as one could feel. Ah well. This next week will be what it will be.

Well, today is a holiday, Ascension Day. Everything's closed today, including the Bible Society. So, I'll work on my exegetical prep, go to see Spiderman 3 with the Boylans this afternoon, dinner with them in the evening and then move to the guest house tomorrow after work. Done and done!

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